Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza

Indirizzo: Via Pietro Nenni, 87042 Altomonte CS, Italia.
Telefono: 3293435106.
Sito web:
Specialità: Agenzia di visite turistiche.

Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 21 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 5/5.

Posizione di Vita Calabra Tours

Vita Calabra Tours è un'agenzia di visite turistiche che offre servizi eccellenti per coloro che desiderano scoprire le bellezze della regione Calabria, in Italia.

La loro sede si trova in Via Pietro Nenni, 87042 Altomonte CS, Italia, in una posizione strategica per visitare le principali attrazioni della zona, come il Parco Nazionale del Pollino e i borghi medievali che caratterizzano la regione.

Puoi contattarli facilmente al numero di telefono 3293435106 per richiedere informazioni o prenotare una visita.

Il loro sito web,, è un'ottima risorsa per scoprire i tour disponibili, le tariffe e le recensioni di altri clienti. La pagina web è intuitiva e facile da navigare, permettendoti di pianificare la tua visita in pochi click.

Le specialità di Vita Calabra Tours includono visite guidate a piedi, tour in bicicletta, escursioni di un giorno e programmi personalizzati per gruppi e famiglie. Grazie alla loro profonda conoscenza della regione, l'agenzia è in grado di proporti itinerari unici e autentici, che ti faranno vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Inoltre, Vita Calabra Tours ha ottenuto un punteggio medio di 5/5 dalle recensioni su Google My Business, con un totale di 21 recensioni. Questo dato testimonia la qualità dei servizi offerti e la soddisfazione dei clienti.

Recensioni di Vita Calabra Tours

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Maria Molinari

Organizzo spesso dei viaggi ma devo constatare che l'eccellenza che ho trovato in Danilo mai riscontrata in nessuno. Professionalità, puntualità, correttezza, affidabilità, simpatia, raffinatezza, educazione, rispetto, insomma potrei elencare all'infinito perchè ciò che è questo ragazzo non si può riassumere in una recensione ma bisogna conoscerlo! Il mio gruppo è rimasto affascinato dalla persona di Danilo. Competente anche nella gestione di gruppi visto che il mio era composto da 50 persone. Lo consiglio a tutti!!!!!!! Bravo bravo bravo!!!

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Biagio Nuzzo

Salve a tutti , consiglio vivamente il servizio offerto da Danilo e Raffaele .
Puntualità , cura del mezzo , guida responsabile , serietà , disponibilità , prezzi giusti .
Ho viaggiato con loro per 150 km circa , con mia moglie ( in dolce attesa ) e mio figlio di 4 anni e mezzo , ed il viaggio è stato rilassante e tranquillo . consigliatissimo .

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Christine Heggan

My 2 sisters and I brought our 81-year-old Mom to Calabria to explore where her family was from. Our experience with Danilo far exceeded any expectations we had…I would give him 10 stars if I could! He spent time before we arrived researching and planning, and provided an incredible experience for us. We explored the town my great-grandparents were from, met the mayor and his council, received copies of birth and marriage records, and more! He was our driver, guide, and translator…and was so warm and engaging. From the amazing meals to emotional family moments…he provided an unforgettable 2 days we will cherish forever!

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Julie LeBourgeois

Wow, what an amazing experience we had! Our tour with Danilo was one of the highlights of our trip to Italy. My sister and I travelled to Soveria Mannelli as a day trip from Tropea to explore our ancestral town and to search for genealogical records. We found them right away (miraculously) at the Catholic church which helped us fill in some gaps we had in our research. We also visited the town cemetery, had a private tour of a local textile business, had an authentic lunch, and even spoke with residents in the area, some as old as 101! Danilo was an excellent driver, was patient and professional, and seemed to enjoy the experience along with us. He was also able to translate for us beautifully as we know very little Italian. We never felt rushed or hurried as we took it all in. Thank you, Danilo, we hope to come back someday!

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Carrie Ephgrave

Danilo, of Vita Calabra Tours, provided an exceptional and memorable experience for my entire family and me.

I wanted my mother to visit where her grandfather in Italy was born. We didn't have a lot of details, though Danilo was able to locate the village, Alessandria del Carretto, as well as birth certificates going back several generations. He organized a visit with the Mayor of the town, a tour of the village, an authentic lunch, and most importantly located cousins for us to meet. He put the utmost care into every detail.

What Danilo was able to do for my mother and family is a priceless gift. I am very thankful for all he has done for us.


Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Mel Longo

We just returned from a long-awaited trip to the Calabrian region of southern Italy to tour my grandfather's ancestral home. Fortunately, we had booked Danilo Verta of Vita Calabra Tours for two days as an interpreter and guide to take us to our grandfather's village, Longobucco high in mountains near Sila National Park.

One of his specialties is genealogical research and through his contacts we were welcomed into the city offices of Longobucco, where the staff soon located my grandparent's birth certificates and I learned that my father and aunt were named after their grandparents, a fact lost to my family's history. We were also able to visit the home my grandfather grew up in which is occupied by a distant cousin and his mother.

Danilo Verta made our journey a wonderful fulfillment of a dream trip to my grandfather's homeland. We highly recommend him as an experienced and knowledgeable guide to Calabria.

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
joe V

Italian Family Heritage tour…

We recently engaged “Vita Calabra tours” to locate birth documents and arrange for a tour to Calabria to the towns our immigrant ancestors lived prior to coming to the United States. After supplying them with names and birthdates, they visited local city hall offices on our behalf and found birth records for 4 grandparents and two great grandparents. We were provided with an escorted tour by ENZA, including a visit to the local city hall. This was not an easy task since the city hall was supposed to be closed the day, we arrived do to a festa for the town’s patron saint, but Danilo and Enzo convinced them to meet with us.

After getting my grandfather’s birth records, she took us to the local church where the whole town was due to the festa. Waiting until after mass we met with several locals, including the mayor.
Though nobody knew any living relatives, the town folk did tell us about towns nearby where people with our last name lived.
Danilo had also found in the city records the address of where my grandfather was born and so we visited the location.

We also visited the town of Grimaldi. There Enza talked to several locals including a local 4th generation store owner. He was a world of information about the town. He contacted other locals, including the current parish priest in an attempt to help us find family members. We found that our last known relative had passed away 4 years ago.
Though we did not get to meet any distant cousins, getting to go to the place my grandparents came from was a wonderful gift.

Danilo’s Vita Calabra Tours offers tours throughout southern Italy. We thank you for your warmth and friendliness, attention to detail, and wealth of knowledge. We will be back…

Vita Calabra Tours - Altomonte, Provincia di Cosenza
Sierra Berardelli

I highly recommend Vita Calabra Tours, Danilo and Enza are extremely knowledgable, thoughtful and kind and make your vacation stress free. Danilo takes the time to carefully craft beautiful itineraries that fit your wants and travel needs, while also adding in travel gems that you would not have thought of. He is a great communicator, very flexible and understanding, and even helped us plan trips to other regions in Italy. Grazie mille!

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